

My Ufone

Online Recharge





Etisalat Group

Port in to Ufone 4G

Let it never be said that we didnā€™t make it easy for you to choose Ufone as your mobile network of choice. In the recent past we have continuously added and improved channels through which you can become a part of the Ufone family. To further facilitate this process, weā€™ve introduced a Port-in procedure via the Internet, to provide complete convenience and ease of access.

Please fill the form below for Online MNP Request.

Items marked with an * are required.

Step 1: Mobile #:
Please enter valid mobile no. Example:03xxxxxxxxx
Step 2: Full Name:
Step 3: Other Contact #:
Digits Only.

Step 4:

WriteMNP in message and send to 667.

You will receive following information as a reply: Mobile Number, Name, CNIC & SIM Number.

Step 5:

Forward the above SMS to 76333 to complete your MNP request process.

The Customer hereby agrees, acknowledges and undertakes that the new purchased connection/SIM shall be used and retained in his/her ownership at least for a minimum period of sixty (60) days effective from the date of purchase and subsequent activation. Any request against such connection/SIM for disowning the connection/SIM shall not be entertained and accepted by Ufone within the period of sixty (60) days effective from the date of purchase and subsequent activation
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