Grotto Gamer - Ufone 4G

Play your favorite HTML5 games on Grottogamer

You can plan now variety of Games Categories to satisfy all customer needs including Sports, Racing, Puzzle, Arcade, Cards, Logic and Action Games by subscribing to Grottogamer Gaming platform.

Here’s how you can use the service:

Subscribe to Grotto Gamer service:

To subscribe the service on your phone, follow these steps:

1. Open URL on your mobile (Android & IOS) or Laptop Web Browser.
2. Enter your Ufone mobile number and Click Send OTP button.
3. You will receive an SMS message containing the One Time Password (OTP) code.
4. Enter the received OTP in the Grottogamer portal and click Subscribe.
5. On Successful subscription, you’ll receive confirmation message from Ufone.
6. Enjoy and play your favorite games..

Un-Subscribe to Grotto Gamer service:

Send UnSub to 3155 to get unsubscribed or go the gaming portal and use the un-subscribe option

Service charges:

To subscribe to the service, you will be charged 6.68 + Tax / day for prepaid and postpaid both.

What is Grottogamer service?
Grottogamer is an HTML5 gaming platform with variety of Games Categories to satisfy all customer needs including Sports, Racing, Puzzle, Arcade, Cards, Logic and Action Games.

How can I subscribe to the service?
Open URL on your mobile (Android & IOS) or Laptop Web Browser and follow the steps to Subscribe to the service.

Which phone supports Grottogamer service?
Any smart mobile phone can be used to subscribe to this service.

Do I need Wi-Fi to use this service?
Yes, WIFI or Mobile Internet is required to use this service.

If I switch network, will I still be able to use this service?
No, this service can only be used if you are using a Ufone SIM.

What if I don’t have any balance in my mobile phone?
If the balance for the service is not available, you will be able to subscribe to the service with a one day trial, to play further you should have balance in your Ufone SIM.

I accidentally got subscribed to the service, how can I unsubscribe it?
Send UnSub to 3155 to get unsubscribed.

I was charged for subscription but my service is not working?
Call the helpline to ask for a resolution.

Contact Us
  • Helpline (From Ufone): 333
  • Tel: 033-11-333-100
  • Email:
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