Customized Business Solution

Customized Business Solutions

At Ufone, we believe in innovation and coming up with new products and services to keep our clients at par with the dynamic business environment they exist in. Our business solutions portfolio includes platform-based infrastructure, services, and enterprise applications to cater to the specific needs of our corporate customers.

Ufone Virtual Office

We offer Virtual Office service with multiple extensions for our client’s corporate needs. Incoming calls on Virtual PBX can be answered on defined extensions anywhere in Pakistan.

Business Website

We design and build customized
websites that complement and serve
your business needs, from e-commerce
to a service-oriented platform. From
SMEs to large enterprises, we help our
clients build an internet presence that
truly represents their essence. Offering
a wide range of themes and templates,
the client can easily select the design
that best serves their purpose, and
choose from our different hosting
packages. Our solutions are quite
affordable and can be implemented
with little or no web development experience.


From automotive telematics and fleet
management systems to in-home
healthcare services and Machine to
Machine (M2M) communication, we
provide rugged SIMs for industrial use.
Our M2M optimized SIM cards are
ruggedized for long life in extreme
conditions. The unique platform is
available in several form factors and is
enabling successful deployments for our
clients in a wide array of industries,
including automotive, metering, remote
management, industrial data collection,
healthcare and more.

Surveillance Products

UTrack Vehicle

A next-generation web-based GPS and
GSM powered customizable platform
which provides Real Time Automatic
Vehicle Location and Tracking services.

UTrack Employee

We offer innovative Location-Based
Services (LBS). These enable our clients
to keep track of their employees’
locations and get real-time updates via
SMS or Maps.


UMonitor restricts any outgoing called
number and incoming callers. The
monitored numbers will be managed
and maintained separately for each
number that is listed.

Contact Us
  • Helpline (From Ufone): 333
  • Tel: 033-11-333-100
  • Email:
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