Internet Roaming Usage Alert
Clarity and transparency, making sure you stay up-to-date
A free of cost service
Allows you to be fully aware of your Internet usage
Updates every 4 hours
Alerts will be sent after every 4 hours to those subscribers, who have utilized data while roaming during last 4 hour.
There would be 1 hour lag in these alerts to make sure that most of active data session are closed e.g. 6 PM alert will provide the usage details from 1:00 to 5:00 PM
Data usage would be mentioned in MBs
Customer can visit website or call at helpline to confirm the tariff for any particular destination/operator
These alerts are being pushed to inform customer about approximate data usage
- Below is the sample text alert Dear Customer, You have consumed XXXXX MB data during last 4 hrs (till hh:mm PM PST). For any assistance, please visit or call +92-51-111333100
Time mentioned in SMS would be Pakistan Standard Time
No subscription is required to avail this offer
This service is available free of cost
- Ufone keeps the right to change or terminate this offer
- Regional tax details are available on
- Using a SIM which is not in your name or allowing your SIM to be used by others is a crime – PTA
- Regional tax details are available on